Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Delicious Belgian Cuisine

Belgium recipes are also quite interesting. Many combine French, German and Dutch influences. It has also been said that Belgian cuisine combines the best of French and German - offering the quality of French cuisine, but the portion sizes of German cuisine. Belgium is quite famous for the food and drink that comes from the country. We have also heard of Belgian beer, Belgian chocolate, Ardennes paté, and of course, waffles. Some people also say that Belgium is also home to the world's best French fries

Some popular Belgian recipes include:

* Paling In 't Groen (French: Anguilles au vert) - Eel soup with mixed herbs.

* Luikse sla (French: Salade Liégeoise) - Green bean salad with bacon and onions, and dressed with vinegar.

* Gegratineerd witloof (French: Chicon Gratin) - Endives (a type of chicory) cooked with melted cheese.

* Viszooitje (French: Waterzooi de poissons) - Fish stew (bass, eel, carp or pike) containing a mixture of vegetables (carrots, leeks and potatoes) with butter, cream and eggs.

* Kippenwaterzooi (French: Waterzooi de poulet) - Chicken stew, similar to Viszooitje, and also containing a mixture of vegetables (carrots, leeks and potatoes) with butter, cream and eggs.

* Vlaamse stoofkarbonaden (French: Carbonnades Flamandes) - The Belgian version of Beef Bourguignon, cooked using Belgian beer instead of red wine.

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