Some popular Belgian recipes include:
* Paling In 't Groen (French: Anguilles au vert) - Eel soup with mixed herbs.
* Luikse sla (French: Salade Liégeoise) - Green bean salad with bacon and onions, and dressed with vinegar.
* Gegratineerd witloof (French: Chicon Gratin) - Endives (a type of chicory) cooked with melted cheese.

* Viszooitje (French: Waterzooi de poissons) - Fish stew (bass, eel, carp or pike) containing a mixture of vegetables (carrots, leeks and potatoes) with butter, cream and eggs.
* Kippenwaterzooi (French: Waterzooi de poulet) - Chicken stew, similar to Viszooitje, and also containing a mixture of vegetables (carrots, leeks and potatoes) with butter, cream and eggs.
* Vlaamse stoofkarbonaden (French: Carbonnades Flamandes) - The Belgian version of Beef Bourguignon, cooked using Belgian beer instead of red wine.
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