Monday, March 14, 2011

Delicious Turkish Recipes and Cuisine

Unique geographical position, straddling Europe and Asia, and thus the national cuisine combines the influences of Europe and Asia. In fact, cuisine Turkish cuisine owes much to the heritage of the vast Ottoman Empire, which includes not only what is today modern Turkey, but also areas in the Middle East, North Africa and southern Europe. As a result of the legacy of Ottoman, Turkish cuisine combines the influences of Arab and Middle Eastern cuisine, as well as cuisine Armenian, Greek cuisine, and Persian cuisine, with traditional Turkish elements from Central Asia such as yogurt.

But going in the wrong to assume that Turkish cuisine homogeneous across the country. This is very far from the case - there are specific dishes and unique flavor to every region of Turkey: Olive trees growing in heavily populated Marmara region (the area around the Bosphorus, Dardanelles and Sea of ​​Marmara), and close to the Aegean and Mediterranean coast, and the region known because the Mediterranean-style cuisine.

Here are some popular Turkish dish:

- Tarhana - A dry foods based on fermented mixture of crack, yogurt, wheat and vegetables - drought and means of protecting the good acidity for a long time. Tarhana eaten in the form of soup.

- Iskembe çorbasi - Tripe (edible offal of cattle stomaches) soup. Often served season with lemon juice or vinegar.

- Cacik - Turkish version of Tzatziki - Yogurt with cucumber, mint and olive oil, served cold and eaten as a side dish.

- Gözleme - A savory pastry made by rolling the dough thin and fold repeatedly. It is then filled and chocolate in a saucepan. There are different variations, each with their own name, including Etli (meat filling), Ispanakli (spinach), Karisik (mix filling), Katmer (plain), Kiymali (ground lamb), Mantarli (mushrooms), Patatesli (potato mashed) and Peynirli (filled with feta cheese).

- Dolma - Filled vegetables. There are two main variants: the flesh ("kiyma") containing a mixture of ground (minced) meat, onions, rice and spices, served warm, and mixed vegetables, served at room temperature.

- Patlican salatasi - literally translated from Turkish, the name means "eggplant salad". There are quite a few variations of this dish, eggplant (aubergines) can be baked or grilled (grilled) over an open flame before peeling, so have a smokey flavor, and then mixed with yogurt, olive oil and garlic, or with olive oil, lemon juice and garlic, and served at room temperature.

- Kebap doner - literally translated from Turkish kebap d? Ner means "turning roast". This is the meat (lamb or goat meat, beef, or chicken) cooked on the spit rotating. Meat is usually served in the PIDE (Turkish pita bread). Version with salad and sauce added created by Turkish citizens in Germany, in an attempt (very successful) to broaden the appeal of dishes's - kebap d? Ner fast food has become popular all over the world.

- Sujuk - A sausage made from ground (minced) beef with spices, and left to dry for several weeks. It must be cooked before eating, and is popular at breakfast and in fast food.

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Try Out Different Foods Of Traditional Arabic Food

Sign journey as one of their interests or hobbies when asked to make a list of favorite things. When traveling overseas tourists like to see the view that certain countries and best of all tried all the different foods that come from countries or regions. Travel to the Middle East there will be different and the perfect destination to sample all types of Gulf and Middle Eastern cuisine.

Hummus is a dip made ​​from peas and sesame seeds, tabouleh is chopped parsley, mint and crunched wheat. Ghuzi is a whole roast lamb on a bed of rice, mixed with enab nuts.Wara are vine leaves stuffed with rice and stuffed courgette known as Koussa mahshi. Local dishes including mahshi koussa spiced lamb with rice and wheat hareis is rich delicacy of slow cooked and tender lamb. For pudding bread pudding type is known as Umm Ali and sweet kind of cheesecake with cream on it called asaraya Esh.

Seafood is very popular in the Middle East and you can expect some specialties involving lobster, crab, shrimp, tuna, Kingfish and red snapper. Many hotels serve a buffet of seafood and different dishes can be sampled at your leisure. Do not leave the Middle East without trying out as many traditional Arabic food dishes that you can. Suggestions will try a buffet spread where you can get a little sample of each type of dish.

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