In the UK, turkey is a favorite company, although the chicken, lamb, beef and pork are also popular choices. Some families can go for delicious game, and vegetarian options are also popular. And then there's that came, after all, what dinner would be complete without a Christmas Gift roast potatoes, stuffing - either vegetarian or otherwise - and Yorkshire pudding?

And when it comes to dessert, British cuisine offers a lot. Christmas pudding among our most traditional sticky goodies. So they are integral to British life, even perhaps to get a Christmas Gift of worship, in some ways, to this most delicious of culinary treats. And then, of course, there are the traditional Christmas cake. Whether or not one is a fan of icing, such as solid plaster covering the cake, who can resist a rich marzipan and nuts, not to mention the moist, rich, dark fruitcake which lies beneath?
But, in other countries, Christmas is not quite like cooking food in the UK. In the same way that each family has its own unique traditions - such as whether on not trivial, and if this bit may contain nuts - other countries have their own unique way of doing things.

Living with a fishy theme, cuisine Christmas in Greenland will not be complete without something known as Mattak. For those unfamiliar with the cuisine, although reported with very similar tastes fresh coconut, it is actually made of whale skin filled with tears. Apparently Bowhead Whale is a popular choice, although narwhal and beluga whales are also used.
In Latin America, Christmas dishes usually combine the turkey, as the local native birds. However, each and every country in all Latin America to prepare meat in its own way unique. For example in Brazil, before cooking, the meat marinated with a number of delicious items, including garlic, tomatoes and rum. So, on Christmas Day - or where the most special day for you - do not forget to enjoy all the fabulous Christmas Gifts that the season of goodwill is always carried.
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